Contact us
Contact Information
Office/Admin: 01753 553841 Mobile: 07957951765
50 Darvills Lane, Slough, SL1 2PH
Hartland House, Hartland close, Slough SL1 3XT
Waqas Choudhery
Email Address:
Contact Number: 07737309911
Registered Address: Darul Madinah Slough ltd
50 Darvills Lane
Can be contacted in holidays and Inset Days.
Darul Madinah Slough Direction Map

Holistic Development
Darul-Madinah offers a well-rounded education that goes beyond conventional academics to include moral, social, and spiritual values, preparing students for all phases of life.

Unique in its approach, the school aligns conventional academic studies with Islamic teachings, ensuring that students grow within the boundaries of Islam.

Value-Based Education
The curriculum is designed to instill essential life skills such as self-discipline, commitment, and integrity, equipping students to face challenges and seize opportunities wisely in their professional lives.

The school's mission is to produce practicing Islamic preachers, professionals, scholars, and experts in Islamic jurisprudence, all equipped with the attributes needed to reform and rectify society.